

Videos about Meredith College.

Aspen Degler, '22

Aspen Degler Strong Video

Tylena Brown, '22

Tylena Brown Strong Video

Jackson Mathis, MBA, '21

Jackson Mathis Strong Video

Jackson Mathis, ’21, originally came to Meredith wanting to go down the project management route, but after completing an internship with a global software company, discovered a new career direction. With the help of professors and mentors within the MBA program, he transitioned to a position as a senior analyst.

Taylor Keyes, ’21, finds her work as a lab research technician for Duke Health to be both purposeful and fulfilling

Taylor Keyes Strong Video

How to Order Your Text Books

How to Order Textbooks

Sophie Lee, '22

Sophie Lee Strong Video

Elena Blackwelder, '23

Elena Blackwelder Strong Video

Celia Bettinsoli Video

Celia Bettinsoli Strong Video

Watch the video The Science Behind Strong | Graduate Nutrition at Meredith

Meredith College M.S. in Nutrition 2021

Video - The Meredith MBA; Personal and Strong

The Meredith MBA 2021

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