

Videos about Meredith College.

Click on image of Kate Renner in green field to watch video in modal

Kate Renner, ’12, M.S. in Nutrition | Growing Strong

Kate Brenner, ’12, M.S. in Nutrition, works as the Agriculture Supervisor for Sierra Nevada Brewing Co. in Mills River, N.C., where she manages a small farm that supplies food and ingredients to the brewery. As a registered dietitian who works in the agricultural sustainability field, Kate speaks to the strength of Meredith’s graduate nutrition programs.

Click image to play 1891 Club Video in modal

1891 Club Video

click on photo of student cheering to watch the Welcome to Meredith 2022 video in modal

Welcome to Meredith 2022

Meredith College welcomed the approximately 400 new first-year students who make up the Class of 2022 on Move-In Day, held on Saturday, Aug. 18, 2018. Members of the class come from 17 states and countries including Ethiopia, Kenya, and Mauritania. Also during Move-In Day, Meredith Strong, a team of female superheroes, made its debut. A fun addition to Meredith College | Going Strong, the team is made up of five figures: Halo, Onyx, Iris, Angel, and Lux, who represent Meredith traditions.

Click on photo of students at front fountain to play video in modal

Strong Is 2018

What is strong? As the new academic year begins, get inspired by watching Meredith College’s take on what it means to be strong. Then share it with the strong women in your life.

click on image of super hero women to watch the Meredith Strong video in modal

Introducing Meredith Strong

Meredith Strong is a team of female superheroes that made its debut at Move-In Day 2018. A fun addition to Meredith College | Going Strong, the team is made up of five figures: Halo, Onyx, Iris, Angel, and Lux. Each character represents a cherished aspect of College traditions. Together, they signify the strong connections among Meredith women, creating a powerful sisterhood that lasts a lifetime.

Click image to watch video explaining How Was Geometry Used to Build Il Duomo in modal

How Was Geometry Used to Build Il Duomo

In this episode of The Meredith Minute, Associate Professor of Mathematics Tim Hendrix explains how Filippo Brunelleschi used geometry to construct the dome that tops Il Duomo in Florence, Italy.

Click on image of cartoon man pointing at sign to watch video in modal explaining How are ads made

How are advertisements made?

Have you ever wondered how advertisements are made? In this episode of The Meredith Minute, Assistant Professor of Marketing Lisa Monahan explains the creative process behind advertising from start to finished product.

Click on image of Don Quixote to watch video in modal explaining Why Don Quixote Still Matters

Why Don Quixote Still Matters

What makes Don Quixote—a Spanish novel written more than four centuries ago—still relevant today? In this episode of The Meredith Minute, Associate Professor of Foreign Languages and Literatures Jonathan Wade explains the lasting power of this classic work of literature.

Click to watch a video in modal of Performing Arts at Meredith

Performing Arts at Meredith College

Located in the arts-rich Triangle area of North Carolina, Meredith College has vibrant, versatile programs in music, dance, and theatre. Our performing arts majors build the skills needed for professional success as performers, teachers, and technical artists.

click image of 3 students seated on stone wall to watch Video of Meredith in Italy

Meredith in Italy

Want to study abroad in Italy? Watch our video to learn more about Meredith in Italy programs, which include semester, summer, and continuing education options. Learn Italian, earn college credits, and gain skills needed to become a global citizen.

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